Common Finch Health Issues

Recognize the signs of strange behavior or illness in your pet finches is one of the most important skills you'll need as the owner of the animal. Catch diseases early is imperative not only to maintain the health of your pet, but also by extending their service life.
A healthy bird has usually very active, vocal and vibrant healthy looking birds. If you notice a change in their appearance, behavior or temperament, which is often an indication of a certain type of disease.

Being able to quickly identify signs of disease in birds is one of the most important parts of pet ownership, as it will give you time to get veterinary care for your pets to progression of disease, which increases the chances of your pet's survival.

If you notice any of the following common disease in your birds, contact your veterinarian immediately: • A change in behavior or attitude • Lack of energy / lethargic • droppings have changed color, consistency or odor • Change the appearance of feathers (probably because of the gathering) • Lameness • Inability to walk or hold up the head • wheezing, gasping or any kind of breathing • fluffiness (birds inflate their feathers in an attempt to stay warm) • Dirt or debris on the face or feathers • discharge eyes, nose or ventilation • Loss of appetite • bald spots • broken wings or legs • Open wounds
Here are some common health problems that birds of all kinds can develop.

Mites: Air sac mites are very common in finches and canaries. These parasites are incredibly dangerous because they infect the respiratory tract of a bird causes a clicking sound when the bird is trying to breath. The mites will eventually cut the air supply of the bird altogether. If you notice your bird is having trouble breathing, breathing with its mouth open or you hear sounds of clicking or wheezing, contact your veterinarian immediately. If your vet is closed, contact your veterinarian monitoring of emergency.

Red mites: Red mites are common in birds kept outdoors. These mites eat the blood and may weaken their host. You can find these mites swollen blood inside the bird cage or an aviary in the early morning. Seek veterinary treatment to get rid of red mites.

Knemidokoptes: Also known as scaly face mites, they are often found in young canaries and older birds that have a weakened immune system. A bird infected with scaly face mites will look crusts on the face and legs and eventually overgrown beak. This condition can be easily treated by your veterinarian.


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